Work Experience
Senior Environmental Scientist - Water Quality Analyst, April 2023 - present
California Coastal Commission
- Provide technical analysis of the water quality impacts of proposed coastal development projects, in order to recommend decisions by the Coastal Commission to protect coastal resources.
- Work with Coastal Commission planning staff and local government agencies to develop or update land use policies and standards in LCPs, as needed, to protect coastal water quality from the impacts of NPS pollution, consistent with NPDES Storm Water Permit requirements and requirements of the Coastal Act.
- Develop and update water quality guidance materials for staff and the public, including factsheets, webpages, the CCA Online Map Viewer, and a compendium of water quality analysis examples, and conduct staff training sessions on analysis of water quality issues in coastal development.
- Complete activities, evaluations, interagency collaborations, and reports to fulfill the requirements of the Water Quality Program’s grant tasks in implementation of California’s NPS Pollution Control Program, including leading the CCA Program. Coordinate with staff of the State Water Resources Control Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards as needed.
- Participate in tasks, trainings, outreach and other activities that support implementation of the agency’s Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI) plan, which aims to create an inclusive workplace that allows staff from diverse backgrounds to thrive and improves agency outreach and public engagement. For example, this may include attending quarterly JEDI calls, sitting on interview panels, contributing to or attending staff trainings on JEDI issues such as on implicit bias, presenting at outreach events at locations with greater diversity, and providing input on hiring practices.
Environmental Compliance Consultant, November 2015 – April 2023
Compliant Farms Certified, Arcata, CA
- Act as Chief Environmental Compliance Officer and project coordinator for commercial cannabis farms throughout Humboldt County, CA.
- Design, coordinate, and lead numerous commercial cannabis cultivation land and water use compliance and development projects continuously.
- Maintain a comprehensive understanding of the environmental regulations governing commercial cannabis farm-related land and water use activities.
- Develop farm, water, forest, water quality, water flow, road management, bullfrog, and site winterization management plans for commercial cannabis farmers to guide regulatory compliance actions.
- Design, write and manage grant-funded farm development and research projects.
- Communicate across the information and regulatory gap between cannabis farmers and regulating agencies.
Watershed Resources Consultant, August 2013 – April 2023
Hollie Hall & Associates Watershed Resources Consulting, Arcata, CA
- Integrate scientific information and social values to inform watershed resource management strategies.
- Develop watershed-scale water quality and aquatic habitat monitoring programs.
- Write requests for funds to develop and implement watershed-monitoring programs.
- Coordinate watershed resources management projects with public, private, and governmental stakeholders.
- Conduct water diversion and use policy analysis.
- Assist private landowners in complying with water diversion and use laws and applying conservation strategies.
- Assess, apply for, and manage Small Domestic Use Registration, Initial Statements of Water Diversion and Use, and Cannabis Small Irrigation Water Rights permits.
Project Coordinator, Researcher & Science Consultant August 2008 – May 2013
Levin College of Law Conservation Clinic, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
- Coordinated projects and conducted research in a multi-disciplinary collaboration between faculty, law students, doctoral students, governmental agents, and citizen stakeholder groups to support watershed-based organizations to integrate science and policy into watershed-scale management plans.
- Consolidated water quality data, ecological characteristics, and social aspects to determine watershed health and to inform conservation management strategies.
- Synthesized and communicated research to stakeholder groups via oral presentations, written media, and scientific publications.
Ecosystem Services Intern, May 2010 – September 2010
World Wildlife Fund, Washington D.C.
- Created ecosystem services models of the landscape sediment retention and water purification services provided by a forested National Park in the Virungus landscape of Uganda.
- Aided in facilitating stakeholder meetings in Kampala, Uganda, where ecosystem services models were refined and discussed with a multi-national, multi-agency stakeholder group.
- Co-wrote annual project report for the funding agency, the MacArthur Foundation.
Watershed Restoration Technician, August 2005 – October 2005
Monschke Watershed Restoration, Salmon Creek, CA
- Designed and implemented stream bank restoration strategies utilizing rock, soil, and native plants.
Research Assistant, June 2005 – August 2005
Department of Biological Sciences, Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, CA
- Worked within a three-person team to develop and implement research protocol mapping historical grasslands. Compiled collected data into a report for the Redwood National and State Park.
Watershed Restoration Technician, January 2005 – April 2005
Mattole Restoration Council, Honeydew, CA
- Implemented site-specific restoration systems by planting native tree species. Identified and targeted stream banks and earth flows for stabilization efforts.
- Worked closely with land managers and owners to restore the coniferous portion of forested land following a wildfire.
- Performed inspections to determine tree stocking and survival and suitable areas for replanting.
Co-Director, May 2002 - May 2003
Campus Center for Appropriate Technology, Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, CA
- Collaborated with two other Co-Directors in all aspects of managing a non-profit organization.
Doctor of Philosophy, Dec. 2013
Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Program: National Science Foundation Integrated Education & Research Traineeship in the Adaptive Management of Wetlands, Waterways, and Watersheds.
Dissertation Title: Protecting Florida Lakes: Regulatory Intent, Recreational Use, and Water Quality
- Tested the principles of Adaptive Resource Management that predict failure of resource management strategies that do not regard scientific monitoring and social values.
- Conducted research examining the efficacy of both state and national-level water quality policies with a focus on stakeholder engagement in policy development, regulatory definitions for recreational use, and site-specific water quality.
- Developed and applied methodology for defining social values for natural resources and identifying water quality thresholds that shape recreational use patterns.
Master of Science, May 2008
Soil and Water Science Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL
Funding program: University of Florida Tropical Research & Education Center and United States Department of Agriculture.
Thesis Title: Effects of Cover Crop Cultivation on Soil Fertility in a Peruvian Cacao Agroforestry System
- Conducted research with Insituto de Cultivos Tropicales in Tarapoto, Peru, investigating the effects of leguminous cover crop cultivation on soil fertility in an experimental cacao agroforestry system.
- Wrote and received grants to defray the cost of international travel and language school.
- Conducted laboratory analysis of soil samples.
- Compiled research findings into thesis and publication.
Bachelor of Science, December 2004
Rangeland Resource Management, Wildland Soil Science, & Botany. Cal Poly Humboldt, Arcata, CA
Oral Presentations
- Academic
- American Water Resources Association Florida Chapter Meeting, May 2012
Protecting Florida's Water Resources: Analysis of regulatory definitions for recreational use
- Howard T. Odum Center for Wetlands Seminar, January 2011
Woody Material in Florida Streams: Science, policy, & proposed best management practices
- University of Georgia's River Basin Center, April 2009
Adaptive Watershed Management: Recommendations for the St. Mary's River Watershed
- University of Durban South Africa, June 2008
Adaptive Management Case Study: Everglades National Park
- Instituto de Cultivos Tropicales Research Expose, July 2006
Efecto de cultivos de coberturas en el fraccionamiento de fósforo
- Regulatory
- Florida Department of Environmental Protection, March 2012
Outstanding Florida Waters: An analysis of water quality data
- St. Johns Water Management District, March 2012
Managing large woody material in sand bed streams of the Atlantic Coastal Plan: Proposed best management practices.
- E.P.A. St. Mary's River Water Quality Meeting, December 2009
The St. Mary's River Watershed: Improved Management through Bi-State Collaboration
- Florida Department of Community Affairs Waterfronts Florida Program, April 2009
St. Marys River: Adaptive Watershed Management for a Secure Future
- Community
- Northern California Progressive Caucus Annual Meeting, February 2022
Presented state of commercial cannabis impacts on Humboldt County's economic, social and environmental health.
- Mad River Alliance Meeting, October 2014
Presented stakeholder interview findings regarding water quality data needs and availability for the Mad River Watershed to a diverse group of stakeholders engaged in management of the watershed. Proposed a basin-wide water quality-monitoring program comprising a compilation of existing sources of water quality data.
- Withlacoochee River Alliance Meeting, April 2011
The Withlacoochee River Watershed: Opportunities for adaptive management
- St. Mary's River Management Committee Water Quality Technical Meeting, March 2011
Fecal Coliform Testing & Standards: A comparison of methods used by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
- Withlacoochee River Alliance Meeting, January 2011
Withlacoochee River Watershed: Identification of long-term management goals
- Withlacoochee River Alliance Meeting, October 2010
Withlacoochee River Watershed: Identifying stakeholder issues, concerns, and values
- Blackwater River Foundation Meeting, April 2010
The Blackwater River Watershed: Opportunities for Adaptive Management
- St. Mary's River Water Quality Technical Meeting, March 2010
The St. Mary's River Watershed: Improved Management through Bi-State Collaboration
- St. Marys River Management Committee, June 2009
St. Marys River Watershed: Possibilities for Adaptive Management
- St. Marys River Fisheries Management Committee, May 2009
St. Marys River Watershed: Possibilities for Adaptive Management
Hall H., Feral D., Fuller M., Pounds J., 2014. Mad River Watershed Monitoring:
Stakeholder defined information sources, needs, and limitations.
Hall H., McCarthy C., Clark M., 2013. Regulatory Protection & Definition for Recreational Uses of Florida Lakes. North American Lake Management.
Linhoss A., Cameron A., Blair S., Hall H., Ankersen T., 2012. Large Woody Material: Science, policy, and best management practices for Florida streams. Florida Scientist. 75(3):157-175.
- Blair, Cathey A., Hall H., Liebowitz D., Moretz M., Policastro M., Ankersen T. 2011. The Withlacoochee River Watershed. Prepared for The Friends of the Withlacoochee River.
- Hall, Li Y., Comerford N., Popenoe H., Baligar V. Cover crops alter phosphorus availability and organic matter accumulation in a Peruvian cacao agroforestry system. 2010. Agroforestry Systems. 80:448-454.
- Hall, Blair S., Cathy A., Brown M., Martinez K., Ankerson T. 2010. The Blackwater River Watershed: A Technical Report. Prepared for The Blackwater River Alliance.
- Blair, Ezell M., Hall H., November J., 2009. St. Marys River Watershed. Prepared for The St. Marys River Management Committee.
Hall, H. 2007. Review of Developing and Extending Sustainable Agriculture. A New Social Contract. (Book Review). Economic Botany. 61:398-399.
Hall, H. 2007. Review of The Chocolate Tree: A Natural History of Cacao, Revised and Expanded Edition. (Book Review). Economic Botany. 61:401.
Grants and Scholarships Received
State of Hawaii Department of Agriculture Micro-Grant for Small-Scale Ag. 10/2021
Watershed Fund 12/2019
Headwaters Fund Grant Fund 12/2019
Humboldt Area Foundation Technical Assistance Program 08/2013
American Water Resources Association Florida Sanford N. Young Scholarship 05/2011
University of Florida Grinter Fellowship 08/2010
Consortium for Science & Policy Outcomes Science Outside of the Lab Program 04/2010
N.S.F. Innovation through Institutional Integration Program Grant 03/2010
University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Fellowship 08/2008
University of Florida Grinter Fellowship 08/2008
NSF-IGERT in Adaptive Management of Water Resources Fellowship 03/2008
American Society of Agricultural Sciences Leadership Workshop 11/2007
University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Travel Grant 08/2006
University of Florida Joseph-Lillian Damon Scholarship 06/2006
Organization for Tropical Studies Biological Field Course (declined) 06/2006
University of Florida Tinker Travel Grant 05/2006
University of Florida Latin American Studies Field Research Grant 05/2006